
General Secretary
Welcome to Our Site
We welcome you most sincerely to our website. AIBPARC (All India Bank Pensioners & Retirees Confederation) is an organisation of the Retirees, for the Retirees and by the Retirees of the Banking Sector. Although the organisation has been initially sponsored by All India Bank Officers� Confederation (AIBOC), it is now an independent organisation which will discuss, debate, deliberate and decide its own problems and find out the ways and means to sort out the issues. Its door is open to all cadre of employees, officers and executives of the Banking sector. Retirement, we appreciate, is a mighty leveler that abolishes all differences and distinctions of hierarchy which was prevalent in our serving days. Now one recognition characterizes all of us � it is the recognition of our existence as a Retiree and obviously as a Pensioner. With the emergence of this organisation about a year back, a new vista has been opened up in the horizon of the financial sector. The leaders are well known faces in the industry who had devoted more than three decades of selfless services to the community and established their credence beyond doubt. As a result of this, the organisation has already been set on a wheel of progress which is marching ahead to a better tomorrow. The question naturally comes, what we are actually for?
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