Policy Resolution of the Organization
The Executive Committee of All India Bank Officers' Confederation (AIBOC); in accordance with the resolution of AIBOC; 9th Triennial General Body Meeting held on 29th, 30th and 31st January; 2011 at Bhubaneshwar, decided to promote an "All India Bank Pensioners and Retirees Confederation", in order to mobilize the Pensioners and Retirees from the Banking Industry under the banner of AIBOC; keeping in view the improvements of their welfare; appointed a Sub-Committee to examine the matter at length and come out with a proper guidance in this direction. After receipt of the report of the Sub-Committee, it was decided to form a "CONFEDERATION", in the name of ""All India Bank Pensioners and Retirees Confederation", and guide the functioning of the organization.
In course of deliberations on the subject, in the Executive Committee, there was an unanimous view that, there has to be a policy declaration by the Confederation, spelling out in clear terms as to the relationship of the All India Bank Officers' Confederation with that of the Pensioners' and Retirees' Confederation, so that the movement for the Pensioners and Retirees will be of an independent nature and sustaining its future goals on its own strength and conviction, over a period of time.
AIBOC being a pioneer in leading the bank officers' movement, is also committed to ensure the welfare of the members who retire from the banking industry, after giving their best and indirectly participating in the amelioration of the problems of the common man in the country. As an organization committed to the national goals to eradicate poverty and ensuring a reasonable standard of living to the people of this country, the workforce was motivated to serve the Banking Industry under very adverse situation in the early days of independence. The workforce is singularly responsible for the prosperity of the nation in the field of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, and also providing economic justice through disbursement of credit facilities all over the country Hence, the Confederation considered it as a pious responsibility to take care of the welfare of the workforce on their retirement from the banking industry As a result of this approach, constant struggle and agitation, it could succeed during 1993-95 in ensuring the Pension Scheme in the Banking Industry, for the entire workforce.
Having succeeded in ensuring the benefit of Pension Scheme for the entire workforce through sustained struggle for the 15 years, the leadership across the country was of the view that, the Pensioners and Retirees from the Banking Industry need an organizational structure to pursue their issues, after their retirement from the banks. At present, the Pensioners' and Retirees' movement is a scattered one and pensioners' organisations in large numbers floated at the initiative of individuals. The former leaders of the Unions/Associations, Executives of the Banks, and in certain cases supported and guided by the smaller groups, with little influence over the happening in the banking industry Hence, the 9th Triennial General Council of the Confederation had an occasion to deliberate the issue at length. The delegates and observers unanimously resolved that, the Confederation, befitting to its stature should take the lead in forming an umbrella organization at the industry level to pursue the cause of the Pensioners' and Retirees' welfare in the Banking Industry.
lt is in this background, the Executive Committee of AIBOC, appointed a sub-committee to study the various aspects of mobilization of Retirees' and Pensioners' and to come out with its recommendations for consideration of the Executive Committee for formation of the Confederation for the Retirees and Pensioners in the Banking Industry.
On receipt of the report of the Sub-Committee, the Executive Committee unanimously decided to constitute the "All India Banks Pensioners and Retirees Confederation" and to come out with a detailed constitution to be adopted at the Foundation Conference. The Executive Committee also decided to come out with a "Policy Declaration" to enable the new organization to have a proper goal and direction to our movement. The policy declaration is detailed below:-
The All India Bank Pensioners and Retirees Confederation will be promoted by the initiative of the Confederation and will be officially declared to the world at large that, the organization has been promoted with the initiative of AIBOC.
The avowed objective of floating the Confederation for the Bank Pensioner and Retirees in the banking industry with the initiative of AIBOC is to mobilise them under the banner of AlBOC to achieve overall welfare of the pensioners and retirees the Banking Industry.
To ensure that, they have a dignified life after their retirement having served the Bank to the best of their ability, and scarifying their entire life for the economic development of the country.
To ensure that, the members of the Pensioners and Retirees Confederation are provided with adequate medical facilities, improvements in the 'Pension Benefits” from time to time.
Also to ensure that, the Managements of the Banks would also extend all the courtesies and benefits from time to time as a part of gesture towards these veterans of the banking industry.
To take up issues of Pensioners and Retirees with the IBA/Govt. from time to time to redress their grievances etc.
The All India Banks Pensioners and Retirees Confederation will be an independent organization and would function independently through their own elected representatives, periodically. The AIBOC will provide necessary guidance and extend moral support to the Pensioners Confederation and assist to take up any other welfare activity for the benefit of Pensioners and Retirees, from time to time.
AIBOC will continue its fraternal support and provide all necessary guidance in regard to mobilization of members under the confederation across the country through the affiliates of the Confederation. It will also ensure that, the organization is also supported by the affiliates of AlBOC with a view to ensure a proper representative structure at the Bank level between the affiliates of the Retirees' and Pensioners' Confederation.
The All India Banks Pensioners and Retirees Confederation will strive to become self sustaining and financially independent. However, for the purpose of having an initial foothold, the AIBOC may take the responsibility of organising the Foundation Conference of the Confederation and thereafter would appeal to its affiliates to help the newly founded organization in their respective organizations in the formative days. The ultimate objective of the AIBOC is to develop the Pensioners' and Retirees' Confederation as an independent and self-sustaining organization at an early date.
The AIBOC will endeavor for the formal representative structured forum both at the Bank as well as at the industry level, through their own clout and strength in the serving organisations, to discuss and resolve the day to day issues at the bank level and the industry level issues at the IBA/Govt. level.
The leaders of All India Banks Pensioners and Retirees will be participating as associate members in the General Council and as special invitees in Executive Committee/Working Committee meetings of AIBOC as decided by the General Council of AlBOC from time to time.
The ultimate aim of AlBOC is to bring all the retirees and pensioners under one broad umbrella or co-ordination, and to eliminate the multiplicity of the unions and organizations in the banks, so that, the structured relationship both at the bank as well as at the Industry level is established without loss of further time.
One of the important tasks before the Pensioners and Retirees Confederation shall be consolidation of the Pensioners and Retirees all over the country under one broad platform. In view of the fact that the movement suffered a set back, due to the multiplicity of organisations over the last several years. Efforts should be made by the Confederation to ensure the consolidation of these organisations in a smooth manner, without affecting the internal relationship between the affiliates of the AIBOC and its affiliates. As a matter of precaution, the following procedure is suggested for the total consolidation of the movement in each affiliate.
- A general guidance was issued by AIBOC on the earlier occasion to its affiliates for the consolidation of the different units in their respective Bank to form a Federation, so that the affiliation can be granted to them directly by the Pensioners and Retirees Confederation. In case these guidelines have already been implemented, there shall be no problem in granting affiliation to such organizations.
- Where these developments have not taken place, the Pensioners and Retirees Confederation will grant affiliation to the majority organization, and thereafter endeavor to bring other organizations into one Federation, so that there shall be single affiliation for each of the Banks.
- However, where there is no possibility to ascertain exact position on the basis of the membership, such organizations shall be granted ad-hoc affiliation and thereafter, efforts shall be made to merge all those organizations into one Federation at bank level in due course.
This procedure is to help to remove any difficulties in the matter of consolidation and at the same time to make a forward movement in the direction of comprehensive consolidation of the Pensioners' and Retirees' Confederation in the country.
The AIBOC firmly believes that, it is the duty of the Confederation to protect the interest of the former employees and officers of the Banking industry, who have made a valuable contribution to the Banking Industry and to ensure a good retired life to their erstwhile members and colleagues in the banking Industry In order to achieve this avowed objective the entire rank and file along with the leadership of the Confederation will re-dedicate themselves to the cause of the pensioners and retirees movement In the country.
Adopted in the Foundation Conference of All India Bank Pensioners and Retirees Confederation held on 17th March, 2012 at Nagpur, duly supported by the leadership of AIBOC who were present in the conference.