About Our Organization
We welcome you most sincerely to our website. AIBPARC (All India Bank Pensioners & Retirees Confederation) is an organisation of the Retirees, for the Retirees and by the Retirees of the Banking Sector. Although the organisation has been initially sponsored by All India Bank Officers’ Confederation (AIBOC), it is now an independent organisation which will discuss, debate, deliberate and decide its own problems and find out the ways and means to sort out the issues. Its door is open to all cadre of employees, officers and executives of the Banking sector. Retirement, we appreciate, is a mighty leveler that abolishes all differences and distinctions of hierarchy which was prevalent in our serving days. Now one recognition characterizes all of us – it is the recognition of our existence as a Retiree and obviously as a Pensioner. With the emergence of this organisation about a year back, a new vista has been opened up in the horizon of the financial sector. The leaders are well known faces in the industry who had devoted more than three decades of selfless services to the community and established their credence beyond doubt. As a result of this, the organisation has already been set on a wheel of progress which is marching ahead to a better tomorrow. The question naturally comes, what we are actually for?
Comrades, you will all appreciate that in the context of present day, with the huge advancement of medical science and a slightly better economic position in comparison to that of the yester years, the age of “60” cannot be an end of active life – be it personal or social. It is just a number and nothing beyond that. We are to keep good health, we are to associate, we are to educate, we are to organise and we are to agitate. In other words, we must have a meaningful existence in the society. The Retirees and Pensioners of the Banking sector are principally those lot of people who carried on the fruits of “Nationalisation” to the furthest point of the country. It is they who rendered invaluable services in cities, towns, villages, hills, jungles and where not. The extension of government sponsored schemes, the financial inclusion of a huge un-banked population, extension of the industrial credit, safeguarding the financial sector from unforeseen external threats – in all such areas, the elder citizens of the banking sector have their remarkable contribution. They have virtually forgone their yesterdays to secure a better tomorrow for the countrymen. Now, these people after reaching an advanced age deserve a better and responsive treatment from the society and the government to ensure a more or less a decent living standard. Another serious cause of concern is that a huge number of Retirees till today are outside the fold of any organised existence. In banks, where coverage of organisation is the oldest, not more than 60 to 70% of Pensioners are under the umbrella and there are Banks where 30 to 50% of retirees are in any Association/Union. Rest are lost in the milieu. The most challenging task before us is to extend the coverage of organised life to as many as people. To sum up, this is an organisation which believes in democracy and transparency. There is nothing to hide. We shall be truthful to the membership. By indulging in gossips and rumors, by quoting reference number and date of non-existent letters and by talking of imaginary proceedings, some men maybe befooled for the time being but all men can not be hoodwinked for all times to come. Keeping this cardinal principle in view, we are going to open the website and members from any part of the country will have their access into it to know the exact state of affairs. They will know the truth and percolate the message down the line. Our expectation is that the website will serve as a lifeline between the leadership and the membership. As a matter of record, let it be remembered that the foundation conferance was held at Nagpur on 17th March, 2012 and the 1st General Body was held in Delhi on 25th November 2012. Within a period of less than 1year from the 1st G.B., the organisation is dedicating the website to the benifits of members. Long Live AIBPARC.